Machine Learning in Compilers
主讲人:王峥,Associate Professor ,Lancaster University
时间: 2018年9月27日(周四)上午 10:00-11:30
地点: 计算所 446室
Developing an optimising compiler is a highly skilled and arduous process and there is inevitably a software delay whenever a new processor is designed. It often takes several generations of a compiler to start to effectively exploit the processors' potential, by which time a new processor appears and the process starts again. This never-ending game of catch-up means that we rarely fully exploit a shipped processor and it inevitably delays time to market. As we move to multi- and many-core platforms, this problem increases.
This talk will look at research undertaken in my group which uses machine learning to automatically learn how to design compiler optimisation heuristics. It will discuss some of our award-winning studies that use deep learning to generate synthetic benchmarks and to automate the design process of compiler optimisation heuristics.
王峥目前是英国兰卡斯特大学副教授,他的主要研究方向是编译技术及并行程序优化。王峥于2011年在英国爱丁堡大学取得博士学位,在此之前他在IBM中国研究院从事并行编程模型的研究工作。他目前已经在并行计算寄编译器相关的高水平会议和期刊发表50余篇相关论文。部分工作获得PACT 2010, PACT 2017, CGO 2017的最佳论文奖,以及PACT 2010, CGO 2013大会最佳报告奖,相关工作被10多所大学在编译课程中选讲。