- 5,000X Model Compression in DNNs; But, is it Truly Desirable?[2019-06-17]
- Combinatorial algorithms for high dimensional statistics[2019-06-17]
- Squeezing Software Performance via EliminatingWasteful Operations[2019-06-11]
- Towards scalable and practical Oblivious RAM [2019-06-06]
- ClickHouse Introduction and Deep Dive[2019-06-05]
- Effective Static Analysis of Concurrency Use-After-Free Bugs in Linux Device Drivers[2019-05-23]
- When Deep Learning Meets IC Fabrication: A Data-Driven Approach to IC Design for Manufacturability [2019-05-15]
- Reassembly of Broken Objects[2019-05-13]
- Towards Side-Channel Resilient Confidential Computing[2019-05-10]
- High-performance Memory Hierarchy Design for Throughput Processors[2019-05-10]
- Bare Metal Computing: Systems, Tools and Beyond[2019-01-16]
- Advanced Machine Learning in Genetic Data[2019-01-04]
- 5G-6G: Vision, Requirements, Technical Challenges, Standardization & Implementations[2019-01-03]
- 计算所联合中科院曼谷中心与清迈大学签署战略合作协议并完成联合研究中心揭牌仪式[2019-03-22]
- IEEE亚洲测试学术会议(ATS 2018)在合肥成功举办[2018-10-19]